
Still Waiting on the Lord!

Still Waiting on the Lord – My Daily Bread!

Our call to maintain our settled assurance in the Lord is taken from Exodus 14: 13-14 which read:

‘Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid.  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.  The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 

Oftentimes we forfeit our peace in Christ when we are in a crisis.  At the very time we should have greater trust and faith we seem to have greater fear.  Crises are a time for God to ‘show up and show out’ on behalf of His chosen people, something He is very good at doing.  They are like an oasis in the desert, a time to be strengthened and gain courage for what is ahead.  Yes, courage to believe in God and trust in Him.

The Red Sea experience of the Israelites is one of the most sentinel events in Jewish History.  It was the beginning of something marvelous, for God was making a nation for Himself through His covenant with Abraham.   Everyone would agree that they had a crisis on their hands when they came to the banks of the Red Sea.   Now we know from the Bible how God showed up in a mighty way by parting the sea for His people to cross and destroying the Egyptian army.  This story is told in Exodus Chapter 14.

But what captured my heart is the comment above that Moses made before they understood how God was going to deliver them.   Their backs were truly against the literal and proverbial wall.   Moses said – ‘The Egyptians you see today you will never see again’.  These must have been marvelous words to the ears of the Israelites!   Keep in mind at this point they still did not know what God was going to do.  And they still saw this fearsome army with chariots and horsemen ready to attack.  God knew that what they saw with their eyes had the ability to melt their hearts, so here’s what He did!

First He dealt with their fears and then He dealt with their problem.   God fashioned grace that fit their particular circumstance at that crucial moment in time and Moses’ words of comfort calmed their fears.   Now that did not change the fact that they still had a long walk of faith ahead of them through the Red Sea.   And here Sisters is the place where we are most often robbed of our settled assurance in God – when we cannot see clearly how or what God’s entire plan is in our situation and what we are required to do right now seems long and hard.

But God desires that we not concern ourselves with what our eyes see in front of us or behind us, to not be afraid, but to STAND FIRM and to BE STILL!  Standing firm is a reminder for us to not waiver on our Godly principals for right living, in other words do not use your crisis as an excuse to lapse into ungodly behavior no matter how desperate things may seem.

Being still is about not grasping at straws and making hasty decisions about our circumstances; God’s solution to your situation will be complete.  Being still is about resting assured that God has everything under control.  Being still is about being quiet, calm and receptive to God; about creating the maximum opportunity to hear God’s voice!   Being still is having confidence that God is fighting for you, and that you just need to keep moving forward.

So when you are in crisis mode, when your Red Sea is before you as far as your eye can see:

First, ask God to cover your fears, lay them all at His feet.   Fear grips the heart and clouds our vision to see what God is doing or can do.

Secondly, when God is working on your behalf, train your heart to be committed to whatever God is going to do, however He chooses to do it.  It may not be the way you expect, but it will be a solution tailored just for you and His timing will be just right!

And finally, believe that He will handle your concerns completely!  And then in the words of the Psalmist: “Be still and know that I am God.”  (Psalm 46: 10)

Copyright© 2011 Colleen Holton All Rights Reserved.

3 responses to “Still Waiting on the Lord!

  1. hodgepodge4thesoul

    Reblogged this on Hodgepodge 4 the Soul.

  2. What a wonderful and encouraging word!

  3. Thanks Shelia, glad you stopped by and encouraged me!

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