
Let God Work It Out!

Let God Work It Out – My Daily Bread!

Today’s reflection is from Genesis 50:19-20, NIV:

“Don’t be afraid, you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

This passage was spoken by Joseph to his brothers who were afraid that he would harm them now that their father Jacob had died in the land of Egypt. (Gen Chapters 46-50)  Joseph was referring to the fact that the entire nation of Israel was saved from the famine that engulfed the land when they came to buy provisions in Egypt; where they encountered their brother who because of his faithfulness to the Lord was serving in Pharaoh’s court and in a position to help.

This story is a wonderful example of the true sovereignty of God in the lives of His Saints. Remember, Joseph had been sold into slavery by his brother who had initially desired to kill him because they were jealous of their fathers love for him. He had many low moments in his life while in Egypt before he was exalted to the number two position in the land. At times he must have wondered what his future would bring, but instead of despairing he faithfully obeyed God and did what was right no matter what the situation he found himself in.

Like Joseph, because we do not immediately know what good God will bring out of a seemingly hopeless situation, we should continue to trust in God to work it out; being sure that God will honor our faithfulness.  The important lesson here: God’s purposes were fulfilled in the life of Joseph, despite the ill intentions of many.  The same is true for us today, God can bring good out of our ‘bad’ situations, and He can overrule people and their evil intentions to bring about His intended results in our lives!

But before God can use us to work for His good, our hearts have to be right before God.  Joseph was prideful and boastful; he gloried in his father’s favoritism and alienated his brothers.  He lacked a humble heart, whatever he said and did, did not promote love and unity within his family.  It is no small wonder that his experiences in slavery taught him humility, how to serve others and how to trust in God; all qualities God desires for us today.  So when you are going through a bad situation, seek God’s face to reveal how He is working out something precious for Him to use in His Kingdom!

Joseph also learned another important lesion – how to honor God.   In several passages he acknowledged God as the source of his accomplishments.  Once when interpreting dreams of two fellow prisoners he said “Do not interpretations belong to God?” (Genesis 40:8, NIV); and on another occasion when interpreting dreams for Pharaoh, he said “I cannot do it, but God will give Pharaoh the answers he desires.” (Genesis 41:16, NIV)  Joseph was called of God and through his trials; his attitude toward God had been changed!  Surely he understood the Lord’s promise “for those who honor me, I will honor.” (1Samuel 2:30, NIV)

Saints, Our God reigns supreme, we can rejoice that He is in control of our lives!  He desires to use us in and through all of our circumstances, the good, the bad and the ugly!  Through Joseph’s life lesions God was able to use him to preserve alive His anointed in the land of Egypt!

Though our circumstances may not yield a feat as great as this, the work that God does through you will always be miraculous – something that can only be done with the help of the Lord!  For this is our comfort, this is our peace: “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”  (Romans 8:28, NIV)   So when the bad and the ugly arrive for they surely will, do not be afraid and do not panic; look for the good of the Lord and rejoice!  Offer thanksgiving and the sacrifice of praise for something good is about to happen; for God is at work!

Copyright© 2011-2013 Colleen Holton All Rights Reserved.

5 responses to “Let God Work It Out!

  1. Thank you Jesus! I needed this encouragement today!

  2. Pingback: HAVE YOU COMPLETED YOUR WORK? | "Working for Christ"

  3. Pingback: Let go and Let God by Trudy Ross | Prayer Works Cafe

  4. Pingback: WHEN I MISS GOD | love unconditional

  5. Pingback: HOW CAN I RELEASE MY FAMILY TO GOD? | He Cares for You

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